Reports from concerned citizens within the city are flowing around a rapidly growing fungus which started spreading just outside of the Snr Buns Food Hall. Speaking with Roger Taylor who noticed this outside of his place of work, he stated:
“It’s probably just some grease from Snr Buns or Slushie juice, you know? The pipes probably leak outside or something. It could be tree roots too.”
Likely nothing to worry about however, Emergency Services are of course taking every precaution to ensure city safety during this time. As you can see, they hired on Terry from Berry & Terry Bugs n Sons to help with any fumigation requirements on the fungus itself. Both medical and law enforcement officials are remaining geared up in the appropriate attire when interacting with this. A WZN source has provided us with some photographic evidence of the subway where multiple empty crates were found, possibly which has evidence removed.
This evening, after further anonymous calls into Weazel News complaining of further spreading – I attended a scene outside of the initial outbreak zone to find extensive expansion of the growth. Alongside this, a convoy of Humane Labs and Research vehicles; professionals in medical lab coats and suited up men in black examining the area. I watched on as Law Enforcement arrived on scene to overlook the inspection. After packing up their gear, I followed as they swarmed Central Hospital, to the confusion of the hospital employees currently stationed there. I was unable to get specifics on what was going on inside, however, watching from a nearby location, I noted a new patch of the growth just outside the main entrance to the building and 2 lab tech’s stood arguing between the trucks nearby, whilst the rest of the workers were inside with EMS. I will be reaching out to Central Hospital for a further statement on this. I am aware that Emergency Medical Services based at LS Central did in fact collect their own samples to test at the lab – no results have been yielded thus far.
From there, I watched on as beloved Jeb Miller was chatting with one of the Humane Lab and Research party and willingly stepped into one of the vehicles before the convoy retreated up to Humane Labs. It is unknown at this time what they want with Mr Miller or what his involvement in this group is. I’ll be keeping an ear on the ground for any further information.
For now, the situation is unknown and Emergency Services are asking that the public stay safe in the area around the outbreak along with any further areas that the fungus expands. As it stands, there is no reason for any fear as the investigation takes place.
Law Enforcement have advised the below statement:
“There is no reason to be scared. Nothing has been confirmed as being dangerous or given reason to be concerned. We remain committed to the investigation with EMS at Central Hospital to understand and learn about what this growth is. Any updates will be shared with the public when we know more.”
I will continue to stay closely in touch with all Emergency Services – however, if you have any information to share, please do not hesitate to contact me privately on (602) 130-7523 (anonymous sources are welcome).
Maisy Murphy
Weazel News Journalist